Every patient's cells have a longer story to tell.

is the precision medicine company illuminating the transcriptome through proprietary technology and data science.

Beyond Gene Expression

Proprietary sequencing technologies enable ground truth characterisation of the complete transcriptome at cellular resolution

Data Science

State of the art computational methods unifies and interrogates biology across scales enabling the decoding of complex diseases

Translational Outputs

With the ability to discover first-in-class medicines, as well as deliver biomarker and patient stratification

Founding team

We are technologists who spun the company out of Oxford University. We span multiple disciplines: drug discovery, proteomics, single-cell & long-read sequencing, automation and machine learning.

Caeruleus Genomics Ltd


England & Wales no. 144816757
Bioescalator Innovation Building, Old Road Campus
Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, England, OX3 7FZ